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fallback_handler(object_path) async

Returns a fallback page for the ActivityPub object

Source code in bovine_herd/bovine_herd/server/objects/
async def fallback_handler(object_path):
    """Returns a fallback page for the ActivityPub object"""
    object_type = None
    object_summary = None
    store = current_app.config["bovine_store"]
    obj = await store.retrieve("Public", object_path)

    if obj:
        if obj.get("url"):
            return redirect(obj.get("url"))
        object_type = obj.get("type")
        object_summary = determine_summary(obj)

    return (
        await render_template(

retrieve_collection_from_store(uuid, collection) async

Returns the paginated collection identified by uuid and collection

Source code in bovine_herd/bovine_herd/server/objects/
async def retrieve_collection_from_store(uuid, collection):
    """Returns the paginated collection identified by uuid and collection"""

    endpoint_path = path_from_request(request)
    object_path = endpoint_path.removesuffix(f"/{collection}")
    if (
        g.retriever is None
        or g.retriever == "NONE"
        or "json" not in request.headers.get("accept", "").lower()
        return {"status": "unauthorized"}, 401

    store = current_app.config["bovine_store"]
    obj = await store.retrieve_for_get(g.retriever, object_path)

    if not obj:
        return {"status": "unauthorized"}, 401

    return await collection_response(endpoint_path)

retrieve_from_store(uuid) async

Returns the object identified by uuid as an ActivityPub object

Source code in bovine_herd/bovine_herd/server/objects/
async def retrieve_from_store(uuid):
    """Returns the object identified by `uuid` as an ActivityPub object"""
    requester = bovine_herd.server.utils.get_requester()"Request for uuid %s at %s for %s", uuid, request.url, requester)

    object_path = path_from_request(request)

    if (
        requester is None
        or requester == "NONE"
        or "json" not in request.headers.get("accept", "").lower()
        if "text" not in request.headers.get("accept", ""):
            return {"status": "unauthorized"}, 401

        return await fallback_handler(object_path)

    store = current_app.config["bovine_store"]
    obj = await store.retrieve_for_get(requester, object_path)

    if obj:
        obj = with_external_context(obj)
        obj = add_sub_collections(obj)
        if obj["type"] == "Tombstone":
            return obj, 410, {"content-type": "application/activity+json"}

        return obj, 200, {"content-type": "application/activity+json"}

    return (
            "@context": "",
            "type": "Tombstone",
            "id": object_path,
            "name": "Ceci n'est pas un object",
        {"content-type": "application/activity+json"},